The 电子游戏软件 美国种族正义论坛 will present “Critical Conversations and Student Voices Addressing Racial Justice in America” 3月24日-25, a student-led conference to facilitate discussion and reflection on the national effects of racial injustice.

电子游戏软件社区的所有成员开放和免费, 对其他大学生也是一样, 这次会议吸引了来自全国各地学校的注册者.

论坛联合执行董事乔伊·摩尔, University vice president and executive director of the Pine Manor Institute for Student Success at 电子游戏软件, 以及莫里西艺术与科学学院院长格雷戈里·卡尔舍尔, S.J.他将在下午5点开始的节目中发表讲话.m. 3月24日.

托马斯·米切尔(托马斯•米切尔)的主旨演讲. Drinan,年代.J. 波士顿大学法学院的客座教授,将于下午六点半开始.m. on “Racialized Property Systems in America: Generational Impacts and Possible Solutions.”

BC大学本科生devanna Smith和Isiaah Clark

BC大学本科生devanna Smith和Isiaah Clark will deliver keynote remarks at the conference (Chris Soldt)

Highlighting the daylong March 25 program will be pair of keynote talks by BC undergraduates Isiaah Clark ’24 and Devianna Smith ’23, 除了其他会议.

The conference—during which students from the Carroll School of Management’s Fulton Leadership Society will serve as emcees—will be held in the Robsham Theater Arts Center, 科克兰共用, 和加森大厅. 了解更多信息, 包括注册, 时间表, 位置, 参与者的传记, 看到 会议网站.

这是一项于2020年启动的全校范围内的倡议, 该论坛旨在提供一个听取意见的会议场所, 对话, 以及加深对美国种族和种族主义的理解. 卑诗学生领袖们为即将到来的会议进行了合作, 是由学生事务处共同主办的吗. 教育财富分配, 刑事司法, 经济适用房, and health care will be among the national racial justice themes and topics to be discussed in connection with their impacts on race and identity in the United States.

“Fr. Kalscheur和我对即将到来的会议感到兴奋,原因有很多。. “First and foremost: that the idea for a conference on racial justice in America came directly from the students. 为学生设计的会议, 由学生, 发出了一个强有力的信息,学生的声音可以使事情发生.

“这个话题的重要性引起了所有人的共鸣,”她补充说. “There is a lot of good work happening across campus regularly in this space and we hope the conference supported by the Forum sheds some light on those who are helping to advance racial justice in America.”



Mitchell will provide a historical account of several aspects of various property law systems in the U.S. that have marginalized people of color from historically subordinated groups in ways that have had adverse multi-generational impacts. 这个帐户将证明,在整个美国.S. 历史, both private and public actors have acted to stymie the ability of people of color to have strong property rights or sometimes any property rights at all.

“For our society to close the many racial gaps that prevent our country from being a place where there truly is equal opportunity for all,他说, “we need students like those who will participate in this conference who seek to critically examine how racial injustice—past and present—has locked in inequality in systemic ways. 我将强调美国的财产制度是如何.S. have continually thwarted the ability of marginalized communities of color to secure basic property rights that would help our country become a more equal and just place for all.”

米切尔还将介绍新的不列颠哥伦比亚省土地和住房法律倡议 & Property Rights—of which he is director—seeks to enhance property rights for disadvantaged communities in ways that advance racial justice in significant and tangible ways.

“Professor Mitchell is a national expert on property issues facing disadvantaged families and communities, 并发表了关于这些问题的主要学术著作,”他说。. Kalscheur. “His depth of knowledge and far-reaching scholarship in these areas will provide many lessons for those who attend. 我们希望学生,教师和工作人员将加入我们的会议.”  



在他们的主题演讲中, 克拉克将阐述建立/寻找社区和自我照顾的重要性, while Smith will explore issues related to racial disparity within the legal education system and her call to pursue a legal career as a Black woman.

Other events include a spotlight on Loyola Marymount University’s student-led Intercultural Facilitator Program model, 点对点会议, and small-group 谈话s led by BC faculty and administrators including Economics Associate Professor of the Practice Geoffrey Sanzenbacher; Connell School of Nursing Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence, 多样性, and Belonging Leah Gordon; Morrissey College Assistant Dean and Associate Professor of the Practice for Core Curriculum Elizabeth Shalala;  Lynch School of Education and Human Development Associate Professor Alex Pieterse, director of BC’s Institute for the Study of Race and Culture; Associate General Counsel Stephanie Charles; English Associate Professor of the Practice Lorenzo Alexander Puente; and Philosophy Associate Professor of the Practice Cherie McGill.

学生事务副主席肖娜·库珀·怀特黑德, 谁将致闭幕词, 说, “学生事务处很高兴能与富尔顿领导力协会合作, Fr. Kalscheur, and Vice President Joy Moore to discuss these important topics that provide a space for students from across the country to not only engage in 谈话s, 但考虑到与种族有关的国家挑战的实际应用.” 

参与者的目标, 据组织者介绍, are to engage reflectively in formative sessions that foster a deeper understanding of how racial injustice functions on a systemic level; to connect with and learn from a network of experienced student leaders; and to learn skills and techniques to engage in actions that further racial justice.

“Our hope is that this conference inspires students to continue to create opportunities for awareness programs and events that amplify the voices of those whose voices are not heard,”他说。. Kalscheur. “The 美国种族正义论坛 looks forward to collaborating on other student-led programs and events that provide a platform for 对话, 谈话, 和行动.”   

Rosanne Pellegrini |大学传播| 2023年3月